Everyone’s busy – as cliche as it sounds, it’s true. We’re all not only trying to do more, we’re trying to do it faster. So working together efficiently is in our mutual interest. Journalists and the industries they cover have a symbiotic relationship. You trust us by giving us your news under embargo, knowing we won’t break that news. And we trust you understand our audience and our processes.
In that spirit, I want to share some tips on how to best work with us so you can use your time efficiently and help us get the information we need to help our readers make technology decisions.
Our audience includes C-level executives, business leaders, operations leaders and technical leaders at both enterprises and service providers. These technical decision-makers turn to us for news, analysis, industry insights and buying advice on networking, security, data centers, cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, data and data centers, open source, telecom, tech careers and IT leadership.